
Law of Transfer Pricing in India
Thursday May 14, 2009

Increasing participation of multi-national groups in economic activities in India has given rise to new and complex issues emerging from transactions entered into between two or more enterprises belonging to the same group. Hence, their was a need to introduce a uniform and internationally accepted mechanism of determining reasonable, fair and equitable profits and tax in India in the case of such multinational enterprises. Accordingly, the Finance Act, 2001 introduced law of transfer pricing in India through sections 92A to 92F of the Indian Incometax Act, 1961 which guides computation of the transfer price and suggests detailed documentation procedures. This article aims to provide a brief overview on the applicability of transfer pricing regulations in India, methods of determining the transfer price and the documentation procedures.

Transfer Pricing Regulations (“TPR”) are applicable to the all enterprises that enter into an ‘International Transaction’ with an ‘Associated Enterprise’. Therefore, generally it applies to all cross border transactions entered into between associated enterprises. It even applies to transactions involving a mere book entry having no apparent financial impact. The aim is to arrive at the comparable price as available to any unrelated party in open market conditions and is known as the Arm’s Length Price (‘ALP’).

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